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nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Damn, **** that I'm not doing another one

Why not? It's only one cone that you missed!

Quote from U4IK ST8 :Ok, I think this is as fast as I can get. 35.13. Using the G25 with 360° and shifter. I did start with 540° but it was too much turnin' to get a quick time. I'm sure someone will go under 35secs but it wont be me.

Great attempt! Very fast and you're now first! Well done!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from gamersknowall :I had a feeling I was slower than others when I did this yesterday...

Thanks for entering! I'll take a look at it tomorrow when I have time!

Just for anybody wondering btw, my best is 42.04 on default set and not using handbrake at all either! I will post one when I have had some more practise!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I've actually seen his videos before!

He's VERY talented! He can really pull them off great!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from z3r0c00l :This is going to be a walk in the park now you've posted the ideal line up already: ... id=43077&d=1196029463

That was just showing the way to go because it's rather complicated!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from spiderbait90 :Map of the problematique sounds hard, but it is acctually really simple.

Assassin. Oh dear god. You gotta have hyper powers to play that.

The only person capable of playing that is, Dom Howard himself!

That isn't true but it is super hard I hear! Sounds amazing though!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Haven't tried this competition yet, but I just noticed that there's no #4 between #3 and #5

Thanks for that! Hadn't noticed that!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from spiderbait90 :Map of the Problematique
Stockholm Syndrome
Time Is Running Out


wow! They're pretty hard! Map is quite hard on drums isn't it?

Have you tried Assassin?
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :i did it - mind you second time on any autocross track - with 900 degrees of g25 goodness. 10% ff

upload in a minute.

You went round the first corner wrong. You're supposed to do a hairpin into the top of the 'E' then do the other part. There's a map further up if you need help.

Quote from Fox 2 :Mkay, here's mine. Few mistakes, though I think it's pretty good overall.

Perfectly acceptable attempt. You're currently 1st with a 35.41!

Quote from Riders Motion :Slow 00:37.63 for me, hard to drive this beast and I'm so stressed on the wheel I can't do better so I'll send this one.

You missed the last cone! If you could just do another one but go round the last cone, that'd be great but I can't really count that!

Quote from BrandonAGr :37.89, I recalibrated my wheel inside lfs so that about 45 degrees either way was lock to lock then selected calibration lock so I could turn the wheel back and forth just about instantly. The course wouldn't be as painful with a rwd car where you could whip the rear around.

You're currently 3rd with a 37.89

Quote from LFSn00b :crap

You did one TINY mistake! I don't really think it made much of a difference but because it isn't the same as everybody else I can't really count it! You have to go right round that first cone and you went left. Sorry! Nice skin btw!

Quote from toper :with 250" rotation went quite good

You did that perfectly well and VERY fast! I thought you'd get first but shockingly you came 2nd with a 36.48. Well done though!
Last edited by nutty boy, .
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Thankls for all of the entries guys! I'm looking over them now!

Quote from BrandonAGr :Why oh why use the ufr?

I did a lap with all cars and the UFR came out top so I chose that for the contest!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
wow! That's cool! I play a few on guitar but I've only been playing since mid-year so I'm shit!

What songs you play?
nutty boy
S2 licensed
It was originally designed, because I'm a HUGE fan of Muse, just for fun for me to try out but it is quite fun!

And here is the path for anybody who is wondering where to go!
Last edited by nutty boy, .
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I haven't got time to look at it right now buit I will after school tomorrow! You'll be on the leaderboard later tomorrow!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Yeah maybe I didn't make it totally clear!

I'll keep that in mind for when I make V2!

Anymore things you think I should improve?

Oh, thanks for the pic btw!
Last edited by nutty boy, .
Nutty Boy's Autocross Time Trial Competition!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Hey guys!

Thought i'd start up a new competition!

Using my new 'Muse autocross track ( for the next 3 weeks you can post your own replays setting a time on this track! I will the make a video including all of these laps! The maximum amount of entrys is 40 but I don't think we'll get that!

- You must set the lap in the UFR. Any other entries with different cars WILL NOT count!
- You must follow the lines of the track! Do a wrong lap of the track and that entry will be disqualified
- Only one entry per person please! You are free to enter another replay if any others were denied!

That's pretty much all the rules!

Please post your replay in this thread to be entered into the competition!

Deadline for entries: 16th December 2007


Here is the current leaderboard

Autocross Time Trial Leaderboard

1. DaveWS - 35.11
2. U4IK ST8 - 35.13
3. Fox 2 - 35.41
4. toper - 36.48
5. BrandonAGr - 37.89
Last edited by nutty boy, .
'Muse' Autocross Track!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Well, it's been a while since i've been here! Whilst i've been gone i've made an autocross track! It's a 'Muse' autocross track! For those of you not in the know, Muse are a fantastic, british rock band! This track originally strated out as a bit of fun but it actually turned out to be quite cool!

Have a go!

Oh and i'll be running a time trial contest for it too!

Nutty Boy's Autocross Time Trial Competition! ... 2007-11-2517-03-52-53.jpg ... 2007-11-2517-05-31-55.jpg ... 2007-11-2517-01-24-37.jpg
Last edited by nutty boy, .
nutty boy
S2 licensed
WOW!. Sully. You sure are popular!

Good luck to whoever gets him!

That was a good good luck btw not a bad good luck.
I'll shut up now!
LFS Domino
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I was on the LTC servers yesterday and went to help someone. I hit them and this happened!

Sorry about not pressing shift+f btw. Someone was coming quick and they'd knock me over if I didnt print screen quickly.
New Avatar!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Who likes it?
I think it's really cool!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Due to computer problems (yes, brand new computer and it's broke already) we'll be getting a new hard drive so I don't see the point of trying to re-download it. I'll keep trying your sugestions though (when the computer is free) so keep them coming!

EDIT: Tried the XRT. Exact same things happening. Only difference is that it gets to 7000RPM
EDIT EDIT: I have a video but you cant download WMM on Vista and it's too big to go on Youtube
Last edited by nutty boy, .
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I dont know what the specific details of the computer is but it's a Gateway, it has an Intel core 2 duo processer (no idea, I just found it funny because it was long ) i'm guessing it's got a good graphics card aswell.

The wheel is a Logitech Formula Force Feedback wheel (or something to that effect). I had no trouble setting it up last time
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I set it to auto in options
New computer problems *SOLVED*
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I recently got a new computer. Windows Vista. Great graphics card. The lot!
Considering my graphics card on my last computer was, well, shit (An example: and I only managed to get about 9 FPS when I was alone in single player) you can understand how over the moon I was this morning when I downloaded LFS and saw that I had 50 FPS alone on track and the cars actually looked sharp and crisp and moved fluently. Well, I decided i'd get LFS up and running as quick as I could.
I had problems though.

Being a brand new computer I had to re-install my wheel. Easier said than done! After frantic efforts to assign my accelerator and brake to something the computer broke . So, I again decided to try about 10 minutes ago. After making the brake and accelerator switch places and the steering to move only aboutc 1 degree I finally mjanaged to set them up.

After setting my gears to auto for a test I realised there was another problem. It's all well and good until it gets to 8000RPM asnd then it revs for about 5 seconds, goes further call the way to 12000RPM and doesn't change gears. It does change if I shift up but then it goes to 8000RPM and refuses to move. Same with 3rd, 4th and 5th.

I'm in desperate need to get my wheel set up and working so I can race online in packs of people, something I couldn't do when I got 3FPS in an online race. I want to race LFS in all it's glory and I can't because I'm unable to get past 8000RPM.

Please help.


PS: The 8000RPM refers only to the XFG. Not sure about other vehicles.
PPS: Very sorry about all the typos. I'm unbelievably tired.
Last edited by nutty boy, .
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :The team has only just been erected...sorry, resurrected.

That's so funny!
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :has .WAV finished....? cause ur now a member of Blitz by the looks of it

Yes it has.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
right ok

***SIGN UP***:

Name: [BlitZ] nuttyboy

LFSW Name: nutty boy

Number request: 99


Skin: Will be done soon


Other: Hey. I'm racing to battle you all in a post-apocalyptic world for the last remaining energy source!